Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Loosing time

I fear I may be loosing my 2 hour me time. I know its selfish but its the time that I use to do what I want to do uninterupted by most anything. I LOVE spending time with my son dont get me wrong.

For the last few days AlixZander has been getting up earlier and earlier every morning. He use to sleep in every day till 9 that was AWSOME!! I loved that. then he started getting up at 7!! not so great. My brain dose not function before 10 and my body refuses to function before 8. I have always been this way. well about a week ago he started getting up at 6:30 then 6 and this morning he got up at 5!!!! I CANNOT do 5am no matter how much I want to. If I am going to do ANYTHING before 7am I must have my own time to wake up and must shower as soon as my feet hit the floor or I am useless the entire day. So today I was one grumpy tired stressed out mess. I fear that if this goes on much longer I am going to loose my mind i am so tired during the day that it takes all willpower to get up off the couch. let alone be productive. I would go to bed sooner but Jonathan dose not get off work till 9 and then he comes home and ususaly we eat dinner and then he winds down and by 10pm I am a walking zombie and I pass out as soon as my head hits the pillow.

Inorder to stop this downward spiral I sought sugestions from moms who had been there done that. Namely my mother her only sugestion was put him to bed later. he normaly goes to bed by 7pm because he is a whining, sleepy, zombified mess. so tonight I forced him to stay up till 8. I put on blues clues made him watch that during wich he nearly fell asleep more times than I can count. He was Signing night night to me about every 10 minutes from 730- 8 Then I took him to his room read him 2 books and put him down for the night it is currently 815 and I can hear him talking to himself so im thinking he will be up for about another 15 minutes and be out. im hoping that this will work to reset his morning internal alarm and he will go back to sleeping till at least 7. I can allways hope for 8 or 9 but im not counting my luck.

The other sugestion i got was to cut out his nap time. Other than today he has not really napped for weeks. I do still put him down for naps but he usualy plays in his crib for about 1 hour and then is ready to get up. he may sleep for about 15 minutes or so but that is about it. He also tends to sleep in the car when ever we go somewhere. so I know the kid is tiard but he just dosent want to miss anything. and I am nearly at the end of my sanity.

1 comment:

  1. What a bummer! That time is so valuable. I hope things work out- for both of you.
