Friday, November 20, 2009

Here's to another day

so today was a mostly good day... I had some pregnant brain moments and realy did not accomplish much but it was a good day.

Jonathan started over at his new building which use to be leased by another company we both worked for that was hands down the best job we ever had. So he is having some issues with memories and emotions from working at the same building but with a different company. Unfortunalty the original company we worked for was forced out of busness by some dirty deals made by another company. its all really complicated. But AlixZander and I took some lunch to him and I actualy got it right for once. Jonathan has this list of things that he LOVES from taco bell but due to locations has not had these spacific items for over a year. I drove to this one taco bell that I knew carried all of the things he loved and I got them all!!! I was VERY proud of myself. well then we had to run and errand CLEAR ACROSSS TOWN and I mean it was from one extreme to the other. well I get all the way over to where i need to be and realize the thing I need to drop off is in Jonathan's car. so I had to go ALL THE WAY back and then back again... an hour and a 1/4 of a tank of gas later I finaly got that errand taken care of so I decided to hit up walmart for the LONG list of things I needed... I think I made it out of the store with 1/4th of what I needed. but I am feeling good today! AlixZander slept in till after 8. all in all it was a great day.

AlixZander antics for the day

- He said Tigger
- He carried on an entire conversation in walmart and I havent the foggiest clue what he said
- He managed to figure out how to jump off the arm of the couch and unfortunaly I was not paying close attention so he landed partly on me.
- He watched The housemates boy climb over the back of the chair and then procided to do it himself. very well I might add.

He is growing and learning new things everyday and I love him sooo much.

1 comment:

  1. I totally understand the kiddo conversations where you have no clue what they are saying. Robbie used to do the same thing. Now I understand almost everything he says but not always the topic, he jumps around a lot.
