Monday, October 17, 2011

Its Weigh in day!

Well I have been VERY good for the last week! I have stuck to my diet! There were days that I cried because I wanted a piece of bread or some spagetti but I made it ONE WEEK! So far my average daily intake of carbs has been hovering around 70. Some days were as high as 80 and some were as low as 51! I have found some awesome recipes! most of them come from Kalyn's Kitchen She has some awesome recipes that are perfect for the south beach diet!

I am not going to measure myself today. My arm is really stiff and is really hurting and it makes measuring nearly impossible but hopefully the weather will have evened out by next week and I will be able to move again and get some good measurements next week.  BUT I did weigh myself!

Last weeks Weight

and the pictures from last week for reference! 

This weeks Weight
254! 8Lb loss!!

and here are pictures for this week! 

Im not really sure I see any difference BUT hopefully I can start to see some differences. I do know one thing I have had more energy this week and have felt better most of this week than I have in a while. 

Monday, October 10, 2011

loosing weight

Since I broke my arm in January I have been VERY sedentary and depressed, and unfortunately that leads to eating and more eating. and unfortunately I have not been eating well and it shows :( I now weigh MUCH more than I would like and my "Fat clothes" are starting to be too small. So Jon and I sat down and decided that together we would start back on a diet that worked really well for me a couple years ago.

So Today we have started the 2 week introduction to the "South Beach Diet" now this diet is not for every one as no diet really is. BUT this is an awesome diet to help cut the "Carb Craving"

" Hi My name is Konica and I am a carb addict it has been 13 hours since my last carb."

I have done this before and I can do it again!

Here I am in all my Glory! I am going to attempt to continue the photos every couple weeks.


My measurements in inches
Neck:  17"
Biceps: L 15.5" ~ R 17" (due to swelling)
Bust:  49"
Waist: 53"
Hips:  54"
Thigh: 26"

My Weight: 
262My Height:
My next measurement update will be Week 2: Monday the 17th of October, 2011.

And there you have it Ladies and Gents! The Raw Truth! and BOY is it UGLY! :D but Never fear! It will get better!

Just for reference here is a picture of me about 2 years ago. I would not mind being down to that once again :D